Landlord’s Area
In fostering constructive working relationships with our landlords over the past 15 years, together we enable essential connectivity that is the lifeblood of modern social and commercial interactions.
WIG is invested in developing long-term respectful and mutually beneficial relationships with our landlords where we share in the benefits of providing strategic locations for the development of communications infrastructure.
WIG understands and recognises that your operations stand equal to our operational requirements and we pride ourselves in creating constructive working relationships so that these respective operational needs co-exist harmoniously.
WIG’s landlord partnerships are drawn from a wide cross-section of society including small business owners, farmers, local authorities, financial institutions, and some of the UK’s largest landowners including forestry, utility, and governmental organisations.

Landlords Newsletter
Discover the latest news for landlords.
WIG Landlord Survey
We are dedicated to continuously improving our partnerships with landlords and site providers. To support this goal, we have created a Landlord Survey, designed to gather valuable feedback on your interactions with us. This questionnaire is an opportunity for you to share your experiences, highlight what we are doing well and suggest areas for improvement.
As a thank you for your time, all survey entries will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win a Christmas hamper worth £1,000!
Your feedback will play a key role in shaping our strategy going forward, so we greatly appreciate your participation. Please complete the survey by 5pm on Friday 13th December to be included in the prize draw.
Lease Capitalisation Programme
If you are interested in finding out more about our Lease Capitalisation Programme, you can complete our short Registration of Interest Lease Capitalisation form and one of the Estates Team will contact you to discuss possible options. Alternatively, you can contact the Estates Team using the details from the Key Contacts section at the bottom of this page.
Extensive experience
As the UK’s longest standing independent tower company WIG seeks to intensify the use of its sites to reduce the proliferation of masts and create infrastructure nodes that stand the test of time.
WIG is backed by Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, one of the largest global infrastructure investors, and to that end we can tailor financial solutions for landlords that support your wider aims and objectives. Our estates team stand ready to develop that dialogue and build a long-term trusting relationship.

New UKTI Landlords
The process of migration from Cellnex to WIG.
Adherence to best practice
The relationship between operators such as WIG and property owners is governed by the Electronic Communications Code, a key piece of legislation, which was overhauled and updated in 2017. One of the key changes brought about by the revisions to the code has been the way in which telecoms sites are valued. Additional freedoms were also granted to operators around their ability to upgrade and share their networks. UK policy around the Code revisions has been to reduce the cost to Operators of running their networks such that these savings could be re-invested in the infrastructure, for which wider society is the beneficiary.
Alongside the introduction of the Code revisions, the industry regulator Ofcom, introduced a Code of Practice which all parties including operators, landlords, infrastructure providers and their professional representatives are expected to abide by. WIG subscribe fully to the key principles enshrined in the Code of Practice, and to which we expect to be held to account, just as we would seek to hold others. WIG’s differentiated approach is to develop relationships by consensus and adherence to best practice is one of the ways in which we seek achieve that.
What to do if your agreement has expired or is expiring
If your agreement has expired or is expiring, then please contact our estates team who will be pleased to talk you through the renewal process and outline the various options available and set out the end-to-end process. We will cut through the jargon and set out clearly the key steps involved.
Site Access
The networks provided by WIG’s customers support the networks utilised by our emergency services and underpin the vital connections each of us make every day. It is therefore vital that WIG and our landlords work together to expedite access requests efficiently to ensure that the networks we all rely upon are available whenever we need them.
Health and Safety
WIG has developed a strong health and safety culture ensuring compliance with international standards for radio emissions. WIG is careful to design our sites to satisfy international regulations adopted by Public Health England so that we provide a safe environment for staff, site visitors and the public at large.
Expanding our geographical footprint
WIG has a strategic interest to deploy capital periodically to expand our geographical footprint or to make attractive offers to acquire the freehold interest in the facilities we currently lease. If you have an infrastructure facility on your land and have been approached by a third party to acquire the Freehold interest or are a WIG landlord seeking to realise some capital from the facility you have with us, then please contact the Estates team for a no obligation offer.
Key contacts
Should you wish to contact WIG to develop the relationship in any of the ways we have set out, we would be delighted to hear from you. Your key contacts are as follows:
Site Access Team
E: access@wirelessinfrastructure.co.uk
T: 0121 296 5018
Payables Team
E: accounts_payable@wirelessinfrastructure.co.uk
T: 01698 842426
Estates Team
E: estates@wirelessinfrastructure.co.uk
T: 0121 296 5001